Types of Dentures | Dentist in Rochester Hills Mi

Types of Dentures

Types of dentures

Full Dentures

Full dentures are removable dental appliances that replace all of a person’s natural teeth in either the upper or lower jaw, or both. They are designed to closely resemble natural teeth and gum tissue, providing support for the facial muscles and enhancing the overall appearance of the individual.

The process of getting full dentures involves several steps. Initially, your dentist will assess your oral health and take impressions and measurements of your mouth to create a customized set of dentures. Teeth extraction may be necessary if some natural teeth are still present. After the extractions, a temporary denture may be fitted while your gums heal. Once your gums have healed, your final dentures will be adjusted and fitted to ensure comfort and proper function.

Caring for full dentures is essential for maintaining good oral health. Here are some tips to help you care for your dentures:

  1. Clean your dentures daily: Just like natural teeth, dentures need to be cleaned daily to remove food particles and plaque. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush or denture brush and a non-abrasive denture cleaner to gently brush all surfaces of your dentures.
  2. Handle with care: When handling your dentures, hold them over a soft towel or fill the sink with water to prevent damage if they accidentally drop.
  3. Protect your dentures: When not wearing your dentures, store them in a denture-soaking solution or water to prevent them from drying out and warping.
  4. Maintain good oral hygiene: Besides cleaning your dentures, make sure to brush your gums, tongue, and the roof of your mouth with a soft-bristled toothbrush to stimulate circulation and remove bacteria.
  5. Regular dental check-ups: Visit your dentist regularly for denture adjustments, relining, or replacement as needed. Dentures may need to be adjusted over time due to changes in your gum and jawbone structure.

By following these guidelines, you can maintain good oral health and prolong the lifespan of your full dentures.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are removable dental prosthetics designed to replace one or more missing teeth. They consist of artificial teeth attached to a gum-colored plastic base, connected by a metal framework that holds the denture in place. Partial dentures are a less invasive and more affordable option compared to dental implants or bridges.

The process of getting partial dentures begins with a consultation with your dentist, who will assess your oral health and determine if partial dentures are suitable. Impressions of your mouth will be taken to create a custom-fit denture. Once the denture is ready, your dentist will make adjustments to ensure a proper fit and comfortable bite. It may take several appointments to achieve the best fit possible.

Caring for partial dentures is essential to maintain their longevity and oral health. Follow these tips for proper care:

  1. Remove and rinse your dentures after eating, to remove food debris.
  2. Clean your dentures daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and denture cleaner. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or toothpaste.
  3. Soak your dentures overnight in a denture-soaking solution or water to keep them moist and maintain their shape.
  4. Brush your remaining natural teeth and gums to prevent plaque buildup and gum irritation.
  5. Handle your dentures with care to avoid breakage, and store them in a safe place when not in use.
  6. Schedule regular dental checkups to ensure the ongoing health of your gums and the proper fit of your partial dentures.

Adapting to partial dentures may take some time, but with proper care and patience, they can help restore your smile and improve your overall oral health.

Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures are a type of overdenture that is attached to and supported by dental implants. They are a more permanent and stable solution for people who have lost most or all of their natural teeth but still have a healthy jawbone to support implants. Unlike traditional dentures, which rest on the gums, implant-supported dentures are anchored in the jawbone, providing a secure and comfortable fit.

The process of getting implant-supported dentures typically involves several steps:

  1. Consultation and evaluation: A dentist or oral surgeon will assess your oral health and jawbone to determine if you are a suitable candidate for dental implants.
  2. Implant placement: The dentist will surgically place the dental implants into your jawbone. This process may require bone grafting if there is insufficient bone to support the implants.
  3. Healing and osseointegration: The implants will need time to fuse with the jawbone, which usually takes 3 to 6 months. During this time, you may wear temporary dentures.
  4. Custom denture fabrication: Once the implants have successfully integrated with the jawbone, your dentist will take impressions of your mouth and create a custom set of implant-supported dentures.
  5. Denture attachment: The custom dentures will be securely attached to the implants, and your dentist will make any necessary adjustments to ensure a comfortable and proper fit.
  6. Follow-up and maintenance: Regular dental check-ups and proper oral hygiene are essential to ensure the longevity of your implant-supported dentures.

For more information about  dentures and dental implants, and to schedule your next visit with our dentist, we welcome you to call 248-650-2440 or visit our office today.

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